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[–]Haylstorm 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah genuinely I don't say it to be mean. It baffles me because I can't see how you're...never exposed to this. If they're that isolated it's sad and worrying in it's own right because that can't be healthy. Not saying they should be brawling with everyone in the street but hell I've had a mixed sex basketball game where I've been sent flying as an older teen because one of the boys didn't realise you can't play the same way against women. His look of shock was pretty amusing because he used the normal force he'd use to move a guy.

It can be a shock if your first experience of it is in your 20s rather than when you're 12 and some kid your age accidentally throws you around. I can see how it would really effect you mentally for the lie you've been told that you are equal and could defend yourself only to realise just how wrong that is having a serious impact. I've seen the impact of that realisation in some and it really isn't pretty. All because they've been sold a lie.

People never having those moments actually comes across as dangerous to me. Men learn to be more gentle/what force is required and women learn that there's no bridging that particular gap. Neither side learning those lessons will only end in people being hurt, whether intentionally or unintentionally.