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[–]OuroborosTheory 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I also liked how the study singled out and thanked all the journals who DIDN'T take the bait, so it wasn't just all "ha ha, I was PRETENDING to be stupid all along!"

and if you love Standpointism you'll also love autoethnography: that's why I call these nonacademics "op-ed writers with a department"

[–]ClassroomPast6178 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Autoethnography is just “Dear Diary, today some big boys were mean to me…”

I’m almost convinced that it exists as a genre of academic writing solely to allow smoothbrained academics meet their publishing requirements every year.

I think it was Gad Saad that pointed out that the vast majority of the social science and humanities literature was never even cited a single time - meaning it either was never read or it had zero impact.

And to make you think about what that means, my meagre collection of publications in the medical literature have been cited hundreds of times and I was extremely low level (possibly one of the lowest level researchers in cancer research full stop…I was the tea boy of cancer research, the other researchers took my lunch money) in the cancer research field I worked in before I became a teacher. I still had more academic impact that whole university departments, fucking hilarious…and even funnier if you actually knew me.

[–]OuroborosTheory 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

and a degree in Personal Resentment Studies trains you--to become a professor of Personal Resentment Studies: of course they became Reddit supermods and HR flacks and hollowed out the ACLU and Twitter and feel secure enough to chant "we're coming for your kids" "as a joke," but everyone's just tired compared to 2015: "we got rid of the Land o'Lakes lass and call you womxn now, what more do you want?!"

(most) historians outgrew the whole "history's whole purpose is to soapbox for the country my ancestors fled in the 1840s": rants about how the world owes its wealth to Brazil or how the Irish are totally the most oppressed people in history or how the Magyars should go back to the Volga have to wait until tenure; X Studies can be fun and even contributive, but just as often it's just "Serb ultranationalists hypnotizing their patients to 'remember' genetic memories of their ancestors being kebabed"

so the ongoing/incoming crunch in academia is half these DEI idiots writing monologues on how A Snowy Day is blackwashing and half "honest" economics--the people with real degrees like analyzing funny-sounding extremists in the second-largest E European country, nursing, or STEM are struggling during the downturns (while houses remain 3x what they were when they were in HS)

(and remember when they all told us we were in a "STEM shortage" and we had to cut wood shop and instruments and push everyone into STEM? yeah, you see what happens when you do that is ...)

[–]OuroborosTheory 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

separate self-involved academese rant: what the hell makes Privilege TheoryTM and The 1619 Project (which praises slavery out the wazoo after decades of people pointing out that it kept the South a deindustrialized cabbage patch and even ruined the soil) and Standpoint TheoryTM and all the other panoply of Tumblrism so all-fired important that every freshman first-year has to take a course in it and constant "training" where they don't graduate if they don't click on the radio buttons

yes, yes, from an outside perspective it works just great dividing workers and students against one another, and part of college's mandate IS that students not come out completely clueless about race and gender: but it doesn't leave them well-equipped when some troll blackpills them with Crow Creek or the defendant in the US's first slave trial) or that the cops kill more whites than African Americans numberwise--frankly they shut down like automatons or become alt-right weirdos

but these sensitive issues are forced into one uniform box across the country when there's 20 competing ways to theorize them, most of which don't backfire immediately: imagine if Coherentism was not just mandatory in all the science departments, but that every student in the US had to at least pretend to agree with Coherentism to get their degree, and then reaffirm their loyalty every year at their jobs, and then every time they changed jobs; nobody says the Annales School should be mandatory in AND outside of campus, or the Central Dogma of Biology to fight the "cretinists," or --heck, if Americans were forced to learn about Timber Sycamore we might see some actual damn changes in this country