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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

That also of course is why a lot of this is pretty much rampant in the online space but not so much in the real life space. Most of these really crazy people online have social anxiety to the point they'll clam up irl. Hell I've seen very "out" trans-people screaming bloody murder at everyone on reddit then go and whine about how they have to hide their identity from their parents. Lol.

I've seen the out of touch stuff happen a lot. Some people managed through the university world somehow but just totally lack any semblance of common fucking sense. Knew some girl fresh out of uni. Still doing dumbass dorm level shit then going around trying to talk shit about anyone who complained behind their backs. Sociopath really. Once people figured it out they cut her out. But the shit was so bizarre it's like, do you even have an ounce of awareness that other people exist and will hate you if you do fucking stupid shit? How are you still alive if you've not learned that?

One time, spilled a whole tank of kerosene down the shared apartment stairs at night, and did absolutely fuck all about it. Like, the spill isn't a problem, it's an accident, it happens. But not cleaning it? Hell not asking someone to help you clean it if you don't know what to do? Just lol whatever back to bed. Someone slipped on it in the morning. They could very easily had died, and you'd have been in prison for gross negligence and manslaughter. Are you fucking stupid.

Well the answer to that question was yes of course, cause if the response to loud weeknight parties and DDR sessions at 2 am in your apartment is resulting in noise complaints you just ignore, yeah huh wow your lease wasn't renewed? Tough shit. Huh wow nobody wants to help you move your stuff? Tough break.