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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That's fair, I frankly don't really mind the rad fems that don't go around biting people's heads off, I just consider them to be naive.

Like it's totally fair for women to be upset with their lot in life, we all are to some extent, but it's pretty much stupid to sit around complaining about it rather than just going and making the best of the hand you are dealt. Women have some advantages in life. They also have disadvantages, same as men. I don't think we'll ever be able to meet out what is "equal" because it's trying to quantify something totally unquantifiable.

But hey credit to her if she'll change her tune. That's a sign of intelligence when you'll change your position when confronted with reality.

I've always been somewhat sympathetic with the rad-fems so far as they are critical of the trad-fems. But they both kind of lose the plot in a single minded focus on their own position.

Like when Hilary lost to Trump. Sure we could whine about feminism being dead or whatever, but it really just speaks to how shit a candidate Hilary was that she'd lose to Donald trump of all people, if you take that as a condemnation of women everywhere you've got to get your head examined. Much like with the abortion issue people forget women aren't a monolith and actually hold their own disparate opinions on things, funny that.