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[–]LyingSpirit472 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

While it makes sense, the big problem with making a book about it is that teaching men personal safeguarding ignores two problems:

1) Even if you try keeping yourself away from any woman over this, there's women who will accuse you anyway. The business world is all about backstabbing your way to the top, and an accusation is an instant "Thanos snap this guy off the corporate ladder" move that guarantees you get one enemy out of the way, and likely will help you vault up a few more spots out of 'this poor tragic widdle trooper, we need some more equity on our upper staff, promote them into the role".

2) No matter how much proof you have that it's false, no matter if you even met the person, if they accuse you in most situations, they WILL win. Teaching men how to protect themselves from an accusation, even false, is the same as telling a victim "lie back and try to enjoy it."