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[–]ClassroomPast6178 4 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

So there is a lot behind this but a major part of it has to be over pathologising of normal facets of human behaviour. Current medical thinking seems to have picked a very narrow definition of human behaviour as neurotypical and everyone who exists outside of that has some sort of disorder. There is just no fucking way that everyone who has a diagnosis of ADHD or ASD, for example, actually has anything wrong with them.

Ding, ding!

There has been a spate of British celebs, mostly women, “coming out” as autists and adhds having paid for and received a diagnosis in middle age.

These are successful celebrities, including writers and interviewers, who are claiming to have a developmental communication deficit severe enough to warrant a diagnosis yet have managed to fashion successful careers in the media. And not a single cunt reporting this throws a single skeptical glance at them as they claim that these bought and paid for diagnoses “explain so much about their lives”.

Literally fuck off.