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[–]LyingSpirit472 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

For the "Bible is 100% true with zero errors", the perfect counter to that is the infamous "sinner's Bible"- a minor transcription error like that of "one says 4, one 14" is effectively inconsequential." A famous typo in Bibles that literally changes one of the Ten Commandments, on the other hand, is much harder to ignore- and you either have to admit sometimes a typo can even happen in the Bible or agree it is everyone's moral imperative to commit adultery now.

But back to the "trans religion" nature- I agree there is this religious viewpoint, but somehow WORSE than religion, because the followers of the gender religion worship themselves. This is even more than the "Satanism is said to be a religion based on worshipping yourself", even- other people who view the self as the real idol to worship usually accept the possibility that they may be wrong and will adjust their beliefs upon proof they're wrong about something. The followers of the gender religion, on the other hand, do not...and it makes it even worse than the true believer in religion. If you prove the religious zealot's God is wrong, it'd see their ideological convictions collapse, devastate them, destroy their idol to the point all that is left is their broken soul with nothing to believe in...but for the gender zealot, (to prove their God is wrong is to prove THEY, PERSONALLY, are wrong*. You destroy their idol AND their soul at the same time, because their idol is their soul...and if you destroy both at once, for the zealot they truly have nothing left in life- not only nothing to believe in, but no self, no soul, just a shell of a person.

End result- you have where they come from with the "this is literally genocide and they're literally murdering us"- to them, if they fail and they lose their gender religion, there really WOULD be nothing left of them, and the "literal murder" comes because they'd have nothing left on such a profound level that no one would blame them for ending it.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

For the "Bible is 100% true with zero errors", the perfect counter to that is the infamous "sinner's Bible"-

Nah see we are dealing with entrenched double think here. The type of person that believes their favored bible translation is somehow divinely protected from error will have no qualms whatsoever pointing out the errors and flaws in so called "false translations" they'll simply be unable to reconcile how those same problems also apply to them.

The issue is, essentially the opposite of the scientific method. With the scientific method you are supposed to make observations then come up with a theory that explains them. The theory needs to be changed as new observations are made that contradict that.

Religion is different because religion must purport to be the absolute truth. I don't want to criticize it too much because I do think religious beliefs and institutions have an important role to play in human society, but some people will take the religious teaching as literal fact contrary to the observable reality.

Creationists do this, they believe that since the bible is 100% literal truth than observations must be interpreted in that light. This of course leads to very rediculous and mental gymnastic explanations for certain things we can observe. Starlight taking more than 6000 years to reach earth being one good example. But the issue with them isn't so much that they wish to make a biblical argument, it's that when it comes to science, if we have many different people examining the same evidence independent of each other, eventually they should both reach similar conclusions. Using the bible as a way to interpret the evidence then doesn't fit well with the scientific method since it shouldn't matter if you had it or not you should come to the same conclusions, and you don't.

The trans ideological creep into academia isn't much different but instead of a codex of sacred texts they've essentially created a kind of social orthodoxy surrounded around as you say, the primacy of the self above all else. I think the main core of it is the teaching "You can be whatever you want to be". I'd argue that the truth is closer to "You can do whatever you are capable of" though that begins to stray into a tautology.

You tell the kids they can be whatever they wanna be when they grow up. I think that's kinda a good thing, you want to encourage them. But it is in actuality a lie. What would you tell a blind kid who wants to be a bus driver? What would you tell a boy that wants to be a mother?

You can do what you can do. And you can't do what is impossible. Because if you can achieve the impossible, it was never impossible.

[–]LyingSpirit472 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Exactly on the parts with the Bible side- and that's the same as most problems with the world today (not just in this instance, but in pretty much all sides of politics or things made political):

Instead of the scientific method of "start with a theory and testing it to find the conclusion that is right", people start with the conclusion that they want to hear is right, and then work backwards until they find proof they were right all along. It's not even just the woke, it's the same on the opposite side too (witness people who can see the proof in COVID, and will ignore all the studies and facts on one side- but when they're on a random mommy blog (which also said the same proof as was originally made)...but one comment by an MLM hun trying to lure new people in talked about how COVID could be cured by simply using essential oils...but only the essential oils from her company, and honestly the oils from her company won't even work as well unless you buy them specifically from her or her downline....well? They have all the proof they need! The research panned out, scientific proof they were right all along!

As far as the other side, the answer is how many people have arrested development in the world right now. Whatever the reason [still needing to be dependent older due to how it's nigh-impossible to get on your feet, the generations being poorer than their parents and having no real hope of changing that], people aren't getting that moment where life kicks them in the ass and tells them that it's impossible, and they can't be that thing.

Hell, the fact that the job market sucks may even lead to more of this as well: If you know "you can have a good, stable job, have a family, and live a normal life, and that's fine if you didn't get to live your dream" or "you have your big dream and the thing you want to be when you grow up", eventually people will give up on the latter when it becomes impossible in favor of the former. But what happens when "a normal life" is just as much of a fantasy as that "fantasy dream job you have"...and with many of the people trans ideology is getting like autistic people, even "a shitty life" is somehow ALSO as big a fantasy as "that one fantasy you have"...well, the more and more normal or even shitty lives become fantasy, the more and more people will decide "well, both of these are just a fantasy, I'm going after my real dream in life and if I die trying, at least I'll know I tried." If the blind kid may have it be impossible to be a bus driver, but a normal job or life is just as impossible- best to keep hoping and hope that self-driving technology will improve enough so a blind kid could be a bus driver on "you just sit in the seat and it drives itself". If the boy who wants to be a mother sees it impossible, but "you just find a woman and you become the father" is equally impossible, you see them keep fighting for "If I don't get to have a girlfriend, I'll BECOME the girlfriend" and then be a stepmother to someone's kids.