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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sure the weird romanticized view of the other sex (which should be considered evidence the person is actually straight) is something that is silly.

I'm talking less about "what shitty things do women have to deal with" and more like, general life goals. Sure a woman can't be a professional American football player (or well, technically she can, but it's not going to happen) but that's true of the vast majority of men as well, we can say it's because of her gender but it's more because she isn't physically capable of doing it, just like the majority of men who are also not physically capable of doing it. But nothing is going to stop the most physically capable women from making a living at sports if that's what they want to do.

Same with things like the corporate world. Nothing preventing women from becoming CEO. But they have to make the same choice as the men there and they're also competing with the most competitive men for the position. Is it worth it to trade your social and family life for corporate prestige? Do you have the social skills and smarts to navigate that world while also having leadership skills? It's not so simple a gender gap. The gap becomes more pronounced at the extremes simply due to the law of averages. But when it comes to us at the individual level we do have to compete against ourselves. Most men and most women will never be on the top of whatever it is simply by the nature of it. It's limited to a few.