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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Seen it get a bunch of 10/10.

Frankly I'm skeptical this isn't the typical media gaming shill hype. Game might really be amazing though I suspect a lot of them are looking at it through potter fanboy glasses.

I'm pretty non-plussed on anything potter related myself. It was hyped up to me by the "OMG reading is so cool" annoying teacher types who recommended YA crap constantly and went Pooh Pooh on any sort of actually good literature with complex themes and then hyped up more by the "Harry Potter is a manual to learn how to summon real life demon" types that when I finally got around to reading it , it was just the most bland boring and overdone trite YA nonsense with "yer a lizard harry" "yer the best harry" "yer amazing harry" then he is all that shit, and the spells didn't even work irl. I'll stick to the Necronomican thanks. And if I want my heroes journey stuff I prefer one where the hero actually has to deal with failure and overcome it rather than a bunch of Mary sue bs.