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[–]kingc-way245The Blackface of White Supremacy[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

“Controversial localizer brags about inaccurately translating and westernizing anime for social justice”

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks found the article. Can't watch that girl talk about this she's annoying.

Basically my first inclination was correct. This is weebs getting triggered by bullshit because they worship anime and have structured their whole life around it have apostasy reactions towards anyone who would dare to change the sacred text, in what appears to be a kind of borderline softcore hentai series.

Can read the original article here. I could nitpick all of it but I'll choose what I think are the most damning examples. As is common with this taking single lines out of context and saying "look the translation is different" doesn't really give us any real information about whether the translation has changed anything substantial or if it still fits with the feeling of the original.

Good example of this "普通なら関わらないタイプだけど" being translated as. She isn't the type of person I would ever want to hang out with. Is a perfectly fine translation. And the person complaining about how it's not literally the same is missing the point anyway. Since the implication in Japanese would be that she's not his type (duh it's a hentai it's about sex) but of course some dumbass weeb can't read between the lines there and will choose the most dead and boring literal translation that they can.

At the end the writer says.

"This blasphemy to English translating has sadly existed for countless years, from Funimation’s political agenda pushing, insertion of absurd and irrelevant memes, overall inaccurate translations, and their equating of loli and pedophilia."

Blasphemy. Betrays the fact he's a stupid weeb. It's a smutty TV show about some guy that turns into a dog and gets to look up his owners dress no? Blasphemy my ass.

Also Loli is pedophilia. Again duh. This is like the time the weebs freaked out about that CNN peace where they went into porn shops and we're disgusted by the underage school girl rape porn. Because that is a normal fucking human reaction to have when you see that shit. But the weebs freak out when someone makes the connection because, they are pedophiles, and you are calling them out.