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[–]FlyingKangaroo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, that’s an understandable concern. I would say this argument shouldn’t apply to all differences between people. For example, someone having eccentric life philosophy or being into some subculture is not always harmful.

However, with gender identities, it should always be a concern. I agree with you. Not only these people are not getting real help (I’m talking about these with any legitimate dysphoria and mental issues) but they also promote harmful identities and coping mechanisms. They harm themselves and others.

Technically, if some people were capable of believing that a man can become a woman and vice versa or that you can be “agender”, they might as well believe that paedophilia is not harmful, that fire doesn’t burn, that you can cure broken bones by walking on glass, etc. This is scary what pointless things became normalized and how they started to affect some social groups, even whole societies and countries.

Reminds me how I was browsing r/nursing some days ago and in the sub rules I came across two contradictory things. One rule was to not promote pseudoscience and the other was to not show bigotry and transphobia was included. Apparently any criticism of trans thing might be discarded by influential voices as “not scientific”, “hateful”, etc. It’s only a matter of time when public will finally see worse and worse cases of lives wretched by it or people who used it to get away with their depravity.

Only last month I talked with a few nonbinary idiots in real life (a very rare event). They were all girls (well, young women but I’d be capable of saying they were no different to me from teenagers). The amount of self-hate and pandering to perverts, including TIMs is uncanny and scary.