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[–]OuroborosTheory 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

a lot of this is how language works in the brain--the same sexual configuration would be categorized as "gay" in a man in Houston, but "top" for someone in San Antonio; a "fabulous gay" would be a "marica," etc.; so it's more complicated than just social contagion+siloing (which is also a big factor--there's a reason they're all left-liberal, college undergrads in certain disciplines, dyed hair, piercings, cannabis, "spiritual but not religious": most are also NON-zealots even if they get swept up, since 1. most people aren't that obessive about any one thing and 2. that means surgery)

that's part of why they put so much emphasis on "representation" and "normalization," but instead just give you SEVERAL categories that are basically "not dysphoric, but also not cishet and male," "not dysphoric, but also not cishet and male," "not dysphoric, but also not cishet and male," so basically they haven't found any useful answer for themselves