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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

There's a subtle difference between promoting nationalism and cultural supremacy vs racial supremacy.

Jews, Japanese, and the Chinese all believe in their racial supremacy. It's only an issue if a white guy does it.

It becomes an issue when you start thinking "my cultural and ethnic values are better for everyone everywhere and they should be forced to adopt it"

These cultures view outsiders as inferior and not capable of improving themselves. Thinking another culture could elevate itself to one's own doesn't seem particularly racist.

I mean, are you arguing for Colored People Time here? Just show up whenever you feel like it? And it's evil white nationalism forcing being on time on everyone. Cause that's just one minor issue, but that's one of those white values expected of other cultures.

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jews, Japanese, and the Chinese all believe in their racial supremacy. It's only an issue if a white guy does it.

And all of these groups have engaged in racially and culturally motivated genocide in the past. Still an issue when they do it.

These cultures view outsiders as inferior and not capable of improving themselves.

A very simple-minded take on a more complex issue than that. They view their cultures as better for them in most cases but don't necessarily view outsiders as inferior or incapable of improvement. I suggest travel as a way to get a more accurate view of these cultures rather than whatever the media in your country wishes to say.

I mean, are you arguing for Colored People Time here? Just show up whenever you feel like it? And it's evil white nationalism forcing being on time on everyone. Cause that's just one minor issue, but that's one of those white values expected of other cultures.

If we want to get into a discussion on how different cultures, specifically pre-industrial ones have a different sense of time than countries where factories and other time sensitive and complex business practices necessitate punctuality there is something to talk about.

This whole idea that black people can't be expected to show up on time is extremely racist and stupid though. However if you go to a developing country or otherwise non-industrialized location and start taking issue with the locals operating on a "I go when I feel like it schedule" you can't really complain about how they do things in their country, well you certainly can complain and I certainly feel it's free reign to criticize other cultures, but you can't expect them to care anymore than you'd care about some African Tribal who has never flown telling you it's stupid to show up three hours before your flight. He may be annoyed by the scheduling demands of a modern society and perhaps rightly so but his complaints would be idiotic and stupid since society won't change for him. The opposite is also true. Skin color is entirely irrelevant. Industrial/pre-industrial societal attitudes are more to blame. Also you'll find that colder climates produce more punctual cultures as naturally if the work doesn't get done on time you will freeze to death, as opposed to working near the equator where if you don't siesta during the hot part of the day you might die from heat exhaustion.

There's no one right way of doing things that is applicable to all people across all locations at all times. Failure to adapt leads to death.