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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You don't see how the government would benefit from sterilizing a large swath of the population who they don't like or who have opposing political views as the people in power?

I don't, more people equal more power. You're still under this idea that democratic processes work, should the ruling class ever be disadvantaged by the popular vote to the point they can't manufacture consent they'll simply do away with the pretense of democracy and return to monarchy.

Even the "the government is beholden to corporate interests" argument you used lower wouldn't work there since it even benefits the corporate interests: If you know it's inevitable the corporations are about to fully-automate pretty much every job possible, then you know that it's to your benefit to lower the surplus population as much as humanly possible before the automation starts.

It doesn't work that way because the automation argument is retarded. It's all sci-fi nonsense that the proles eat up with glee because they love the idea of not having to work. End of the day it's basically a pipe dream. The more you automate shit cheaper shit gets the more demand there is and the positions open. But that's even assuming you "can" automate shit. It's far more complicated than the popular science mags want you to think.

Ruling class needs slaves to support them. Robots make bad slaves. They can't even make a good martini. Plus nobody wants a robot servant except the proles.