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[–]Vulptexghost fox girl ^w^ 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can believe nonbinary as in intersexed genders...but that's so rare, and nonbinary usually refers to those personality trait genders. Weirdest of all are animal genders, as if animals don't have genders and are thus their own gender. Mostly it's nothing more than a way to get attention and feel special, or an attempt to escape societal gender norms.

No normal person can tell you what being a gender "feels like" as far as identity goes, because it doesn't feel like anything. It feels normal. Gender dysphoria can cause negative feelings, but that's not how the vast majority of them describe their experience. It's usually along the lines of "Oh I just feel like a <insert gender here> and act more like one", aka you're GNC. Then they get medical procedures and realize they fucked up when they can't take their new body. Suddenly they realize there's a lot more to gender than gender roles and "identifying" as something, but it's too late. Then they become TERFs or whatever the male equivalent of that is, because they were preyed on by the trans movement. And that'll provide the left with another excuse to ban medical treatments for dysphoria, on top of claiming it's transphobic for acknowledging sex differences, which is bound to happen soon. Maybe older people rarely regret transitioning, but a LOT has changed since then and kids are now being rushed to gender clinics if they show the slightest sign of not being 100% stereotypical. Doctors don't take any caution anymore, and they're not allowed to. Detrans rates are spiking because of this, and if you dare point it out the liberal mob will crucify you.