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[–]Q-Continuum-kin[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Gay men were the biggest allies and supporters of the trannies

That isn't true at all unless you are talking about drag queens which up until recently had no fantasy about being actual women. In the past it was about performance or as sex workers whose clients were basically self hating gays trying to pretend they were still straight.

The whole academic ideology derived from weird libfem ideas. It's the reason they hate "TERFs" so much, they were feminists who refused to shift feminism from women's rights into racial intersectionality and gender studies.

Grindr literally had to enforce a policy that they would ban accounts which said "no trans" because gay men just blatantly refused to follow softer policies because they weren't interested in their bullshit and like 90% of profiles were saying it even after being told it wasn't allowed.

The people who are propping up the trans idiocy are straight women who want to reject traditional female gender roles but can't figure out that no one is stopping them from wearing jeans instead of a dress.