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[–]Neo_Shadow_Lurker 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Why are the TRAs hiding behind blacks even though most of the prominent people on their ranks are middle class and white?

This is a rhetorical question, by the way, because I know exacly why: they're trying to paint themselves as opressed to gain credibility with the public.

The thing is: everyone and their mother who are following this subject knows that the current wave of mass trooning is a very middle class and white phenomenon, so who they think they're fooling?

[–]Datachost 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

so who they think they're fooling?

Uninvolved middle class white liberals. It's part of an actual strategy advised by a law centre to tie trans issues to black civil rights, and they've even acknowledged it will make them unpopular (or even more so) amongst black people

[–]cant_even 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

...and for that reason, every black should be roaring disapproval 24/7, because their position is being cheapened.

The "Gender" snake-oil salesmen are trying to elevate delusions, lifestyle choices and behaviors that do not and never will rise to the level of "immutable characteristics" used to confer 'protected-class' status in a civil-rights sense.

That's right: Race, National Origin, and sex are what you're born with and can't change. Those are the bases for real civil-rights, not "voluntary activism".

And yes, I've seen the sleazy Wikipedia version adding perceived to the definition of "immutable [characteristic]".

"Perceiving" something that objectively doesn't exist is called a delusion, which also applies to the "gender-dysphoric".