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[–]On_WheelsWe need to secure the existence of the gay race 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

People get (understandably) worried and angry if they feel their children are being corrupted or led astray. Still if that's the full extent of the regression...

Oof sorry to hear about you friend's little social circle, why do trans need to be a bunch of attention whores, doesn't that go against the whole idea of passing as the other sex? Funny you mention a conspiracy, I've thought the same as well, this whole phenomenon is way too sudden and way too powerful for some people to not have been conspiring to bring it about. I do have some ideas on who and why might be supporting the transsexualism, even if it does sound a bit kooky:

  1. Biotech/Pharmaceutical corporations wanting a more widespread acceptance and usage of hormones. Having most of the population buying your hormones and going under the blade so they can appear as the "gender" they "really are" would usher in enormous profits. The now private said s/LGBDropTheT actually had a few articles discussing the connections between transsexuals and big pharma.

  2. Activists without a job. With the gay marriage in America being legalized in 2015, and with a majority of the populace showing an acceptance of LGBT people, suddenly a lot of activists and organizations who had their livelihoods dependent on the fact said LGBT people weren't accepted found themselves out of a job. Solution? Turn towards the kookier members of the T and the Q. Keep pushing for the most nonsensical and insignificant rights of an extreme minority of the populace and keep that gravy train rolling, even if it means the other three letters got to suffer for it. Think Stonewall (UK) is an example of this.

  3. Anyone wanting to roll back LGB rights. If you're someone who despises LGB but know it's now unacceptable to speak out against them, what would you do? Well you keep pushing for more and more extreme and malevolent actions among the T, hoping that when public opinion turns against trans you can remove lesbian and gay rights too. A combination of guilt by association and accelerationism. Probably not true, but I wouldn't be surprised if fanatics were considering this idea seriously on some remote corner of the internet.

[–]Newzok 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I think your first point is a big part of it. Big pharma have their fingers in every damn pie and it wouldn't surprise me if they were to blame. This is a huge source of revenue, and as long as it keeps coming they'll keep pushing it. Sad as it is, the way to become an accepted minority in this system is to become a demographic it's profitable to sell things to.

I'm not too sure about the idea that activists ran out of issues. Most mellow out after a certain age.

A lot of this is traceable back to academia it seems, i.e gender studies, queer theory etc. Without academic clout, the whole movement has no legs. But it's necessary for it to gain acceptance through schools, institutions and so on. It seems damn huge if it involves so many aspects, but it's not exactly unheard of that universities are used as a way to subvert the status quo. In the end, you get clown world, people can't agree on anything because everything is subjective, alienation and atomization is huge, big corporations make all the money and nobody ever talks about class differences, grass roots organisation or real issues that have tangible effects.

[–]On_WheelsWe need to secure the existence of the gay race 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's repugnant, but it makes too much sense. Big pharma has its hands on this transsexual phenomenon, there is simply far too much to gain for them not to be involved with. I don't know how true that last statement is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.

Didn't think about it, but a lot of this started manifesting in universities. Where the most curious and open-minded people congregate, it makes sense for sexual norms and eventually, sexual identity itself to have been questioned. As the student body graduated and transsexuality memes became more widespread among the campus it'd eventually spread into wider society, especially if there are other interests friendly to it. A little sad to see how successful it's been at distracting leftists and so many intelligent people from issues affecting the environment and most of the population. I don't want to invoke the fallacy of "Appeal to Worse Problems" (if trans right are indeed a worse problem), but there seems to me to exist a gross imbalance between the attention paid to trans issues and the amount of people it actually affects.

[–]Newzok 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah it feels ridiculous to even talk about it, it's the tiniest minority and in the scheme of things, not even a human rights issue, it's a social one. Pollution, environmental issues, even just health issues should take precedent.