When you transition into the guy who always dies first in monster movies
submitted by jet199Terf from i.imgur.com
My side keeps lying to me but that's OK because I hate you so much
submitted by jet199Terf from i.imgur.com

The Ukraine gets a mad American troon as spokesman
submitted by jet199Terf from threadreaderapp.com
Was the Nashville troon shooter obsessed with Ellen Page?
submitted by jet199Terf from twitter.com
TRA: believe people if they say they are trans. Troons: um, I'm not sure
submitted by jet199Terf from twitter.com
Trans person alleges black female TSA agent at JFK punched her in the balls
submitted by jet199Terf from ngo.locals.com
USA Today Again Picks Biological Man As 'Woman Of The Year'
submitted by hfxB0oyA from zerohedge.com

Transgender Daycare Worker Charged With Sexually Abusing Baby
submitted by jet199Terf from reduxx.info
“Why is No One in the DMs”: Dylan Mulvaney Discussed Dating as a Trans Woman
submitted by jet199Terf from archive.ph

I Was Attacked By Trans Diaper Fetish Cartoonist Sophie Labelle
submitted by jet199Terf from valiantnews.com

Australian Woman Left Disabled Following Attack By Trans Activist
submitted by jet199Terf from reduxx.info
Keffals is getting cancelled for transphobia, racism and ableism
submitted by jet199Terf from twitter.com

Has Sam Brinton’s story always been too good to be true?
submitted by jet199Terf from lgbtqnation.com
CNN Stunned As Their Narrative on Gay Club Shooter Gets Crushed
submitted by jet199Terf from newsbusters.org
Dana Rivers finally convicted of murdering two lesbians and their son.
submitted by jet199Terf from nitter.net
The Dana Rivers trial starts today. Zero coverage anywhere.
submitted by jet199Terf from karadansky.com
TikToker Rachel Queen Burton faces child sex abuse allegations
submitted by jet199Terf from adelaidenow.com.au