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[–]Node 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

a breeding sow

That's an interesting perspective. Looks like their propaganda has been effective. Motherhood used to be seen as one of the most beautiful aspects of humanity, and the ideal that men gave their lives to defend.

none of what we do is recognized as on par with what men have done

And? The roles of men and women are in different spheres. Have men been recognized as equally great childbearers and nurturers? Is it so terrible that they haven't?

We will likely not come towards terms of full agreement on this matter

My perspective on this extends back to before (most of) this current propaganda began, and I suspect you're a lot younger, so you're probably right. I see the effectiveness of the changes in beliefs they've instilled in the new people as extremely unfortunate for us as a species, but primarily as an indictment of our quality control. Why are people so easily 'brainwashed'? Well, we as humans are essentially a herd animal so easily 'influenced and guided' that a marketing and advertising industry has arisen to openly control us. Less visible to us is the influence of the "13 families who own the world" on our managers they've installed.

I have to say 'yes' to the question posed by Thomas Gray, excessive amounts of reality does lead to a bliss deficit.

those that prefer to outsource labor to workers from other countries

Sure, ejecting women from the home wasn't just about wages. It undermined the foundations of our society, just as the 1965 bill opening the floodgates to incompatible foreigners did.

Hmm, author of the first article lived in that trailer park just across from Natural Bridges, in a doublewide. Without automatically making assumptions about his orientation and beliefs, based on the topic and being 'from here', I'll just say this arouses my suspicions, but I haven't read it yet.

Thanks for your replies. You're an enjoyable interlocutor.

[–]Comatoast 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes. You're effectively a breeding sow when you're kept dumb and continually knocked up. Unless you're surrounded by family or a supportive community, it can be extremely difficult too. This also leaves women vulnerable to the repercussions of a partner becoming disinterested, putting her children and herself in danger. There always needs to be a backup plan to actually take care of our children. We deserve strong education, if nothing else to pass that on. I'm curious though, when has motherhood ever really been seen as anything other than a necessity? Fertility was celebrated, as was mercy, but motherhood in itself I'm coming up with blanks on.

Men aren't notorious for being excellent nurturers or childbearers because you physically can't bear any children. We get a physical release of oxytocin during childbirth, or would.. the birthing process has been taken over and turned into a money making option. Cesarean sections are at an all-time high to keep those vaginas from possibly looking like, well.. a person came through. Something that doesn't naturally release during a cesarean? Oxytocin. Anyhow. look at ye olden goddess archetypes, you have the creator and you have the destroyer in many old myths. You should probably be happy that we're not blessed with the testosterone levels and physical strength that men are, if I'm honest.

As I recall seeing in some of your previous posts in passing on s/all, you're in your 60s. The women in my family of/that were in that age group didn't live the blissful lives that you seem to refer to before the era of propaganda. They spent plenty of time impoverished, stuck with men that beat the everloving shit out of them and their children, and struggling to make ends meet after being forced into work to get out of their situations.

People are never truly happy, and the concept of bliss is blown deeply out of proportion. Happiness is a state of things being balanced, that's more or less it. People struggle with purpose because they don't have it anymore, trying to dig their claws into whatever drama or circumstances they can create that gives them some sort of sense of it. We have too many conveniences, if I'm honest.

I don't know where the fella lives, he may have a pretty swanky doublewide for all we know. They can be made to look nice, they're just ultra shitty for upkeep and used to have an extreme issue with value depreciation, but that's been loopholed somehow now and the damn things cost as much as a house with a crappier skeleton.