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[–]pesos 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Is it fair that lesbians don't feel welcome in their own community anymore because of all the vile death threats they've received with the LGBT doing nothing about it?? Is it fair that a lesbian couple were murdered by Dana Rivers (trans) and it is most likely because this lesbian couple didn't feel like going on with the men are lesbians too theme?? There has been way more unfairness aimed at lesbians than anyone else and for a movement that claims to be anti-bigotry they sure do come across as bigots. I have no more sympathy for this woman hating group. Straight men don't want to have sex with biological men and this group is bent on shaming people that disagree. It's a hate movement. It's up to people inside of the movement to kick the T out...not up to anyone else.

[–]MarkJefferson 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're preaching to the choir. Few of the LGB on this site are actually in the official LGBTQAI2S+++ movement anymore(we align more with organizations like the LGB Alliance and perhaps have some overlap with the Radfems). And thus have little power to challenge the mandates of the Rainbow High Council. They can just claim to speak for all of us while at the same time calling us transphobes. And honestly, even if we were still in the movement, the Trans are at the very top of the oppression totem pole because they don't have all their "rights" yet and so have ultimate deference over the needs and views of everyone else. That's how it works with intersectionality. This is why Transwomen are more oppressed than Transmen. The co-opted movement is a wholly separate beast from the sexualities themselves. Don't conflate the two. Just like how not all Straight people are a member of the SuperStraights. Yeah, it sure seems like all LGB have solidarity with the "Community", but that is largely an illusion conjured by these highly influential groups with the help of the woke media and biased social media. And by now, you would have more than enough proof of this narrative dissonance from the SuperSexual community.