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[–]Tiwaking[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They were immortal and no longer cared about the rest of the universe. They hid behind their impenetrable time shields. Kai and the rebels flew out to fight, but it was pointless because the rest of the Brunnen-G race were decadent, immortal, and uncaring.
Their story was explained in musical - Season 2 Episode 18 - Brigadoon I remember this episode because of the song about none of the Brunnen G knowing who their children, grand children, or great grandchildren were because they were immortal and lost all their memories.
Kai ends up fulfilling the great prophecy and killing the Great Shadow and ending the empire.
On paper the series sounds amazing, but watching it shows that it is completely wacky and strange and amazing.