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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Despite them both sharing much of their ideological frameworks, I haven't fully lumped usehername in with socks yet, as the latter is all bad faith and less rude. Being rude and negative is downward dragging, but at least it's not bat faith even if it is retarded. In time this may require more action, or hopefully they grow and become aware.

My problems are NOT with the disagreements, but the inauthenticity and prolific nonsense. Sealioning timesucks are the worst and fool many people. socks pretends to listen to your argument, says "thanks I'll look at all that research you just took the time and energy to give me" and then never does and keeps spouting the same bullshit without evolving with new info. Ad nauseam BAD FAITH.

This prolific ad nauseam bad faith bullshit also comes from Ed/fEd/skank/skeeter/wonderwoman/etc and Jumba/weegs/speegs in very different forms.

All of these need to be called out for what they are when they happen. Not just to teach them, but to illustrate to everyone else what is clogging up the chat and alienating folks. We must defend the SaidIt front page chats: #all and #subscribed. There are hundreds if not thousands of other subs they can chat in. If they just wanted to chat they would go elsewhere. Chaos agents lust visibility.

Actual management via clear rules, abundant guides, and a trusted-team are a deeper matter. I'm willing to help, in time, but at this point I have too many higher priority personal projects, group projects, and local people with serious problems to help rather than leading this minor project for a few whiny asstrolls and shills needing lessons in etiquette and decorum. Feel free to run with it and ping me. I'll do my best to try to keep in the loop, but I've been not doing well with my communications backlog for a while.