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[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

    You were clearly harassing whomever, and you eventually quit using this hilariously obscene gay innuendo to humiliate your opponents.

    Yes. And I'd do it again, at the drop of an asshat's latex thong.

    Get over it bro. It's not personal to me.

    Agreed. But if you're going to publicly drag up trivial old prudish issues M7 had about me from 2018 or 2019, then at least make them relevant - or I'll have to publicly explain them away to those who read and want clarification and/or my views on whatever is alleged. MANY of us had and have issues with how M7 is managing this site without involving OUR community in the process. THAT is the real issue for MOST of our conflicts.

    But M7 didn't find it funny at all, and he dutifully read all of your comments (which were long form graphic novels); so he could respond to people making complaints.

    His lack of a sense of humour is not my problem.

    He didn't like reading it, and didn't find it funny. And you did it numerous times.

    So? There's much on SaidIt not enjoyable to read for anyone.

    M7 read numerous OBSCENE gay innuendo graphic novels written by you.

    I've never written a graphic-novel nor a sexually-graphic novel.

    I'm trying to be objective.

    Bullshit. Your hyperbolic exaggerations are extreme.

    Probably had better things to do.

    To bad he doesn't know how to collaborate or delegate very well.

    He wants to create a professional culture of open debate,

    Yet he won't even debate me, or anyone, professionally, about his management strategies. Perhaps he earnestly means to do it, but he can't get out of his own way, and he's comically pretentious in his critical thoughts - and you seem not to see this. If he could be real and authentic and flawed instead posing as the "authority" around here he might actually earn my respect. Even Horrux has respectable expressions half the time. (I won't comment here on the other half.)

    and obscene gay graphic novels cross a red line for many serious people.

    I was NOT REMOTELY graphic. I can do that if you want. Go re-read them. They were VERY tame, intentionally suggestive, compared to what's VERY possible.

    Bro. That's the long and the short of it.

    That's only your sensationalist take and selective memory on it.

    I was essentially on your side through all of this. Free speech purist, and all.

    Then address the actual issues at hand and through most of our history here, rather than dredging up some old goat-getting.

    Meanwhile, M7 was quietly raging about some fucking guy (YOU) who won't stop harassing people with gay graphic novels that he's forced to fucking read.

    "gay graphic novels" Now that's complete fiction. I did not write any such thing. Keep promoting this idea and I'll have to call you a malicious liar.

    I'm sure he had other problems to deal with as well, so he wasn't laughing.

    Not my problem. He should learn to collaborate and delegate well.

    First impressions are lasting.

    My first impressions were MANY good months before that all started. To say that's the first is as stupid as saying, "Ah, now I see your true colours," in a crisis or something. People have a WIDE range of diverse reactions to many scenarios under a spectrum of circumstances. If you or he can't get past these few engagements in a wide array of other things going on over a small period several years ago, that's on you guys.

    That's surely how you're remembered, so you should man up, and maybe even apologize to him cause he still remembers reading all of the obscene gay novels, and having better things to do with his time..

    Has he said this? Or is that how you surely remember me? Or is that you "surely" wildly speculating? Or are you picking at old scars to keep his PTSD fresh?

    Man up to the guy who won't even respond to my comments? Fuck grovelling for his approval when he's done little interacting worthy of my respect for years.

    The more you say "obscene gay novels", the more I'm convinced you're stirring up shit.

    He wasn't laughing.

    I don't care. It's not my job to entertain his royal magnora7, but I will jest nonetheless.

    Come on, bro. Make an attempt to remain diplomatic with M7.

    He can speak for himself. He won't respond. If you are his proxy, you can also deeply appreciate that silicon beast.

    Don't use dildos to open old wounds.

    You made it salacious. I responded the way you liked it.

    I'm not your enemy. Neither is M7.

    I know that. If M7 was my enemy I'd be reminding people of it all the time or be actively blockading your borders. Believe it or not, I actually minimize my negative words and responses about him. For the wellbeing of our SaidIt community we don't need it. But we also can't sit quite when bullshit is afoot. And I won't just let you or him malign me without clarifying. If you or he say stupid shit, that's more than enough to respond to defensively. I'm not here for war. I'm here for the free-thinking truth-seeking community, resistance to tyranny (great and trivial), alternatives, and solutions.