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[–]CompleteDoubterII[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

We should post on the Animemes sub and the GoodAnimemes sub.

For the GoodAnimemes sub, we should focus on alternatives in general, for advertising other websites and subreddits is banned unless given moderator permission. Based on my experience, requests for permission are unlikely to be granted, but if it is, then doing the same thing as we do for the Animemes sub will be fine. For the Animemes subreddit, listing several alternatives and linking to /r/RedditAlternatives would be good.

I don't know what Saidit subs would be receptive to this campaign, but I can think of a couple of users. 1donteven posts in Anime; assuming he/she/other likes this site, 1donteven would probably like it to grow. JasonCarswell seems to love this site; he would have no problems with it growing; however, he likes it because it is 'truther-friendly' according to him, but if I remember correctly he has promoted the site to people other than those in the conspiracy community, supporting the idea that he would be receptive to this campaign. The weeb community on Notabug would be receptive to this, I think, although I hardly see weeb posts apart from mine on there, although there used to be one. I don't use Ruqqus much and as such cannot say, although I would guess the Animemes community there would be receptive due to this post and the responses to it.

[–]Aureus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a bit late for me right now, but please reach out to those users, and maybe some on Ruqqus as well!

One heads-up is that apparently GoodAnimemes is under threat of censorship by the admins. That could be a really good "in" to get people thinking about reddit alternatives free of censorship.