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[–]NastyWetSmear 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've felt that way before. I've even felt it about people who are more than conventionally attractive. People who I can look at and say: "Yeah, she's beautiful."... And then just feel nothing about at all.

I assume it's some evolutionary, lizard brain quirk. Something instinctive in me that tells me, on some biological level that I can smell or see but not consciously understand, that we wouldn't be a good pair to be breeding? My eyes tell me that they are beautiful, my brain tells me they are nice, but some instinctive ape centre inside me says: "No, our kids would have lung problems and would die trying to climb their first tree. NEXT!"

Love, lust and desire are odd things like that. It's like a woman describing her ideal man to a person who matches every criteria she's describing and then going off with someone else who seems to have none of those qualities - we might know, intellectually, what's good about a person but be biologically driven to get something else despite ourselves. Very odd.