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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

medical science

I read the data. I came to a different set of conclusions, and I am not alone. I am not a layperson, I didn't suddenly get interested in medicine with covid. And most doctors have no spine. They rolled over for the opioid crisis, they'll say whatever they're told to say to not risk their license.

I really don't understand why you say things like this, rather confidently, as if it's a fact

It's just obvious to me. I think in time it'll be obvious to you too. Look at the Hunter Biden thing, you see what lengths mainstream media will go to in order to manipulate public opinion. Facts don't matter to them, the narrative does. I don't have a comprehensive list of all the "wacko conspiracy theories" that have proven correct, but surely you're not unaware of this disturbing trend.