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[–]insta 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

He stepped away from it and said forget it once the media started saying oh, it's a hate group or whatever.

He stepped away to try and save his own ass. Don't believe Gavin's bullshit about "the prosecutors/lawyers said they would get lighter sentences". That's a lie. He didn't want to be the head of an organization where members were being sent to prison for being in a gang. While his boys were being sentenced he turned around and started a "FREE GAVIN" campaign.

Fuck Gavin.

[–]slushpilot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Either way, it doesn't change that it was a joke club to start with. Then some guys got in a street fight & the identifiable ones got arrested. So he stepped away after it became a headline name and people gave it a purpose beyond what he intended.

I don't really care what his personal motivation for disavowing it was (whether he was saving his own ass). He didn't set out to start a gang or a militia, but it was a convenient way for those people to find each other, just because they also happen to believe the woke left has gone crazy.

[–]insta 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I don't really care what his personal motivation for disavowing it was (whether he was saving his own ass).

You should care about the motivations of people who claim to align with you politically. Especially ones who are preventing you from advancing politically.

Him starting a group "as a joke", using them as bodyguards, then letting them rot in jail and denouncing them the second it gets a little tough is bad.

[–]slushpilot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't have "my side" in this and I'm not trying to advance anything politically for one or the other... Let me just say, I really don't think armed groups in the street are a good idea, no matter what they claim to stand for.

I'm just saying I would cut the guy some slack. When Gavin realized where things were headed he basically said, "you know what guys, this isn't worth it" and walked away—and I can respect that. Even though it couldn't help those in jail, it meant the remaining people in the group would understand that associating as a group any longer would be dangerous. I don't know what you think he should have done differently?

Bodyguards don't exist to start the violence, but sadly it seems bodyguards are a necessary thing in political speech lately. (I would always blame the side attacking before the side defending, personally.) We're at the point where if someone doesn't like an opinion today they feel entitled to make them feel the "consequences" instead of making a reasoned response or just ignoring it. We've learned that women speaking in Hyde Park need bodyguards now, too. How far tolerance has progressed...

I'm also not sure what you mean by "letting them rot in jail". Gavin's not the judge who can change that. I just think he realized the whole situation was out of his hands (including public perception) so the last thing he would want to be seen as, is the leader of an organized Anti-Antifa gang. Obviously for his own skin, but also for everyone in the group. As I remember, that court sentence was mainly because the Proud Boys were recognized as an identifiable organization—so officially disavowing and asking to break it up was at least the minimum he could do.

Even now, people argue about whether or not Antifa itself are organized or "just an idea, man"—but at least they're smart enough to stay cagey about that for plausible deniability.

Paradoxically, I also wonder whether taking away the Proud Boys' leadership & official status turned out to be counterproductive: it means they're now effectively the same as the anarchist groups on the other side and there's nothing you can point to, like an official website or a sanctioned speaking event to say, see this is what they actually stand for—in order to make your case against it. We can't actually know what these disorganized groups stand for today, but the people in them haven't gone away. It's a hydra now.

We've cancelled every remaining venue for controversial speech & debate so now we shouldn't be surprised at disorganized mobs having street battles and getting each other killed. None of this is really just about Gavin or the Proud Boys or Antifa, and I couldn't care less about who's right when these are the means we're left with.

Somehow we need to discover actually listening to each other again, especially where we disagree. So back to your point about claiming to know motivations: discourse only happens when you leave an opening that assumes the other side has good intentions. Anything less is dehumanizing.

[–]insta 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When Gavin realized where things were headed he basically said, "you know what guys, this isn't worth it" and walked away—and I can respect that.

Again this only happened once consequences finally came to him. It's not a respectable thing to let other people go down for your organization and then ditch out the moment the heat comes on you. Then turn around and start a "FREE GAVIN" campaign and grift money while your boys are locked away. You shouldn't get a pass for that.

I'm also not sure what you mean by "letting them rot in jail".

When his boys got sentenced there were numerous fundraisers for the guys who went to jail. The moment the heat got turned on Gavin he denounced the group and stepped down and immediately started his own fundraisers for him and his censorship campaign. That's a fucking shitty thing to do. Not to mention, he used the boys going to jail as an excuse to stand down to "help them" which was also just another lie.

it means they're now effectively the same as the anarchist groups on the other side and there's nothing you can point to

They're still and going to always be Nazi skinheads and KKK. That's just what retards think of them because the left-wing needs boogeymen.

discourse only happens when you leave an opening that assumes the other side has good intentions. Anything less is dehumanizing.

Discourse is useless when you have groups of people who believe fundamentally incompatible things.