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[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Well this is the Truth Which Must Not Be Known. It undermines the entire Russian Collusion Hoax.

Try posting something about the very recent conviction of the FBI agent who reversed the explicit meaning of a CIA letter which stated Cartter Page was working WITH the CIA AGAINST Russia to Carter Page was NOT working with the CIA against Russia.

That letter was then used as evidence to the FISA court to order the spying on Page and the Trump campaign, leading to the Mueller investigation.

This is Big Brother and they're not even subtle about it. This is fascism, straight up no chaser. I truly believe the very individuals at Reddit and YouTube and Google and Twitter who do this- the key punchers not just the corporate elite, need to be brought to justice by our government, and yes I know they're a private company blah blah blah. You know what I say to that? Things change, don't get caught out.

BTW here's how our credulous and sanctimonius- but now silent- media covered Carter Page and the "Devin Nunes Conspiracy Theory":


On July 21, 2018, the Department of Justice took the unprecedented step of releasing declassified, redacted versions of FISA applications—an initiation and three renewals—for electronic surveillance of the United States person Carter Page. Page had at one time been a foreign-policy adviser to presidential candidate Donald Trump. Page had also previously lived in Russia, where he worked as an energy consultant. More significantly, in terms of potentially sketchy ties to Russia, Page had been in contact with two men who were later indicted on charges of being Russian spies. It was these interactions that first brought Page to the attention of the FBI—and indeed, these interactions were among the facts cited in the FBI’s statement of facts alleging probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.


Then there's this Headline from ABC News (remember Carter Page was 110% innocent of any crime and in fact was helping our government against Russia)

After months of public denials, Carter Page admits he told Trump officials about meeting with Russians

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I'm pretty sure it was a lawyer who changed the letter. They discuss it here: /s/Justice_v_Injustice/comments/68ke/viva_barnes_law_for_the_people_live_stream_21716/

Or more specifically this section:

SPYGATE: Clinesmith PLEADS GUILTY and Brennan WALKS? Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT (18:31) ~ Viva Frei, Aug 24, 2020

Or not:

FBI Caught Faking Documents To Russia-Gate! (28:34) ~ The Jimmy Dore Show, Aug 15, 2020

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes career lawyer Clinesmith who faked the meaning of the letter in order to get the person who swears off on the evidence before the FISA court to do so.

Later wrote "Viva-La Resistance" in an email.

It's been pointed out that all these deep state actors were indiscrete because their work and emails is all hidden behind the curtain of national security, which itself is significant and a sign of a kind of cultural rot going on just beyond the event horizon.

John Batchelor takes it apart here: