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[–]SavvyDiogenes 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Same BS that is spewed against lesbians but afaik in a milder form (I may be wrong though, I'm not a gay man) - aka "if you don't like vaginas you're transphobiiiiiccc". Same story with lesbians and the "ladydick". They're basically trying to get gay men to like vaginas and trying to get lesbians to like dick because they feel entitled to sex ("the cotton ceiling" for lesbians, and "the boxer ceiling" for gay men if you're curious enough to look for more details. This is honestly the main issue with having LGB subs invaded by TRAs). Woke incels, more or less - but at least the classic incels are upfront, they're not swinging bats in the name of Woke.

And this whole "suck my dick or you're a bigot" is the root of the problem with having TRAs invading what was supposed to be a lesbian sub. Same thing, but in reverse, seems to be happening on gay men subs, hence my previous comment.