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[–]kokolokoNightcrawler 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for the link. Most of the tribe aren't even consciously aware the devil works directly through them...The lust for power and money above all else is not strictly limited to the tribe, but it is in their DNA. The pact was made long ago. Having said that, like my grandad did in WW2, I'd defend life and property of every single jew with my life. Only bigger mistake than having business with the tribe is trying to kill the tribe. Jesus was jewish. He was Gods message to the Lucifer that thousands of years of planning to corrupt all of humanity is not nearly as powerful as a single image of Him walking amongst us, showing us the way of goodness. It may sound like something out of a cheap fantasy novel, but I came to truly believe it as I see that the 1% of the devils own are in 100% of places of power and influence at all times.