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[–]redgreenblue[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn't say that you didn't even realize why I mentioned that

Feel free to clue me into your twisted logic.

Ignorant? Let me reiterate again I'm just making questions regarding no preference for bi women

I called you ignorant because of several statements and implicit assumptions you've made. Not because you're "just asking a question omgg!!"

And again, never once did I even mention sex or dating, much less any "preference against bi women" that you imagined that I had lol.

You think I'm hitting on you? This sub is probably full of bots too who wants my pics for my IP adress.

I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. Nobody wants you sweetie. Funny how you instantly jump to a homophobic "all the lesbians want me!!" I guess that delusion helps you cope with your life in some way.

Yes this is why I asked the thing about bi's. I'm on the ace spectrum and I guess it's too much to want to understand something

I know you don't actually think I'm objecting to you "asking a question." I'm telling you your implicit assumptions are wrong.

I can see why your gf dumped you now lmao and YOU dare call me a narcissist

Yeah I dared. Sowwy pwincess. Yeah no I'm not going to tolerate your complex. And more homophobic comments, cool. You're really revealing yourself here.