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[–]Srime 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ask her to stop telling you about it if she hasn't already (its not uncommon for people in relationships to not want to hear about their partner's past partners). It is pretty weird that she's talking about "if she were straight." If she doesn't stop when you ask and explain, you might need to end a relationship.

If she agrees to and you still want to overcome your disgust about other peoples' sexual history, then stop looking up things online that you know will piss you off. The things you already know about will continue to irritate you, but you'll stop caring over time, provided you continue to stop looking for things to be mad at or paying prolonged attention to annoying things that accidentally make their way into your life.