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[–]votkriscan 45 insightful - 1 fun45 insightful - 0 fun46 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

They are bisexuals. Bisexuals can have very-long term fluctuations of who they are attracted to. If they are dating men, they are not lesbians, no matter what kind of act they put on because they refuse to call themselves bisexuals. I've come across bisexuals who can put out oscar-winning performances on sounding like a politically-correct lesbian, but they never were lesbians to begin with.

If they are in their 30's and 40's and dating men, they are bisexuals who view it as their last ditch effort to marry a man and have that white-picket fence family that they dream of. Women in that age-group who are lesbians, who are mature, who got their shit together and desire a long-term relationship are already married to each other. The others have the option to have a child of their own if they just want to have family around for later. Only heterosexuals and bisexuals have the desire to attach themselves to a man no matter what.

I'm in my 30's and will never marry any dude whatsoever. And I don't need to. I've got my future planned out, regardless of whether a female partner is in the picture or not. I like having my own independent plans. I also dislike sex with men, and believe me, I tried to like it (I'm not a goldstar). But you see, this is the difference between lesbians and straight/bisexual women.

And your friends do not equal every lesbian on the planet, for I'm not seeing the same on my side.

[–]Dudukolo 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

"I also dislike sex with men, and believe me, I tried to like it (I'm not a goldstar). But you see, this is the difference between lesbians and straight/bisexual women."

Hmm what? Bisexual and straight women can also dislike sex with males as well and don't want to do it, you know? How is that the difference?

[–]votkriscan 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Eh? I've never seen straight and bisexual women say they dislike sex with men. If you are talking about degrading and violent sex, then sure. There are enough straight/bisexual women who hate it. But I've not seen any who dislike vanilla sex or hetero sex that is done the way she likes it. Whereas I don't like any kind of sex with men at all. I also don't find the majority of men even "objectively attractive".