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[–]yousaythosethings 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have no problem with people spreading out my ideas, adapting them, or taking ownership over them or whatever. I’d like to personally avoid an army of bored straight girls and transbians attacking me.

Instead we should just make our own brief Master Doc. I just wrote this as kind of a joke in a few mins but I think it’s already better than this other Mumbo Jumbo: (1) What led you to look up whether you’re a lesbian? What else is going on in your life? (2) Are you drawn to this doc because you’ve felt attraction to a woman in real life? What did that feel like? How did your body respond? (3) Do you feel actual attraction to women in the real world outside of your head, so more than just porn, hypothetical women, and celebrities? (4) Go outside and walk around. Who are your eyes drawn to and why? (5) What are you attracted to in women/women’s bodies/appearances? (6) Hook up with a woman. Thoughts? (7) Do you have an aversion to or lack of interest in men IRL? In what scenarios or ways? How does it feel when a man demonstrates romantic or sexual interest in you? (8) Mostly the same questions, but change the sexes + do you have desire or interest in hooking up with a man?

But then you run into the problem of how this really just needs to be grounded in real world experiences and feelings. Like it doesn’t mean you have to be physically engaging with other women but that you’re thinking about feelings in your body as you see and interact with women IRL. I think all the comments are right that if someone spends too much time in their own head they’re just going to start shoe horning things in to fit their desired narrative. I think some of the most telling things are why the woman is looking up whether she’s a lesbian and how connected or not that is to the real world. And of course woman will always be defined as biological female.