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[–]Lesbianese 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

USA, I'm 21.

Got outed to my mom 10 years ago when she started snooping around in my AIM DMs. She thought I was just being one of those girls who was going through a phase/doing it for attention. She tried to explain to me how being gay isn't a fad or a funny joke and that people genuinely suffered cruelty due to being homosexual. Except my mom isn't the greatest with words and I was still young so I left the conversation with the impression that she'd send me to a mental institution if I were homosexual. Oops.

Absolutely terrified, I told her again at 13 when I had my first "serious" girlfriend. She took it pretty well now that she was certain I was being legitimate, said she remembered having a feeling that I'd turn out to be homosexual.

Told my older brother around the age of 16/17 over the phone while he was abroad, he made a joke along the lines of Ha, you like men, you're gay as a dumb joke (he finds it funny to use the terms for the wrong sex, like referring to women as sir or men as ma'am, he used to call me a male name when we were goofing around) and I replied saying I wasn't attracted to men. His reaction still makes me laugh every time I tell this story, Wait, so you're actually gay? Uh oh. Oops.

My mom had told me not to tell him until he got home a couple weeks prior because she wasn't sure how he'd react but I knew it'd be fine.

I've never told my dad, he's really uncomfortable with homosexuality and while he's less uncomfortable with female homosexuality, I honestly think he's happier not knowing even if he suspects it. May tell him if I ever decide to tie the knot or move in with another woman but I've been celibate for over half a decade now due to health problems that make me feel like I probably shouldn't be looking for a relationship until I get them better sorted, so that's unlikely to happen for quite some time