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[–]LesbianInExile 23 insightful - 1 fun23 insightful - 0 fun24 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's just a bullshit term used by bisexuals/political lesbians to say that they were only attracted to men because it was compulsory (ie patriarchy forced them to feel attracted to men) so they are totally valid as lesbians- but I have seen the phrase creep in on some lesbian sites and some actual lesbians (I think younger ones) using it without realising the background to the phrase.

If you are talking about not accepting your sexuality, trying to force yourself to be attracted to or have relationships with men despite not being attracted to them, then words like homophobia and lesbophobia (including internalised lesbophobia) work perfectly well.

Another of the problems with the term compulsory heterosexuality is that instead of talking about lesbophobia, compulsory heterosexuality basically takes the concept of homophobia and lesbophobia and makes it all about straight and bi women. Straight and bi women are the victims of compulsory heterosexuality because they are the ones who have been forced to feel attracted to men whereas women who (in their words) "chose to be lesbians at a young age" have had it easy because they haven't suffered from compulsory heterosexuality.

A lot of feminist stuff that is supposedly about lesbian rights when you look at it is actually about how tough straight and bi women have it, how they are oppressed by being attracted to men and doesn't actually address a lot of the issues lesbians face (and especially not the abuse we face from straight women and girls and how they are often the perpetrators of lesbophobia). Obviously, straight and bi women have their own problems but that it was 99% of feminism is focused on anyway. Comphet makes the supposedly lesbian part about them too and sidelines lesbians in our own oppression.

[–]spirette 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

absolutely. Completely agree. I used to think (less than two years ago) that it was cool how lesbian-centric radical feminism was. Lesbians seemed to be the forefront of the movement and it's so rare. Now I've realized how deeply lesbophobic it all is and how it's basically a way for straight/bi women to appropriate our struggles and a way for them to keep dating men (in other words: couples therapy) while arguing that lesbians are "privileged". And comp het is part of that.