



Posting images

SaidIt doesn't have image hosting like Reddit. You'll need to post to a site like Imgur and share that link instead.

However, if you have a pic on your computer, you can drag and drop it to the "Browse..." button when making a post. Then it will auto-post it to Imgur, automatically create a link, and put it into the URL bar.

Opting out of Subscribed subs

For older accounts, Said automatically subscribed you to all of the available public subs on the site when you made an account. They have changed this for newer accounts to the traditional "opt-in" method.

To remove all of the automatic subscriptions, go to your User Preferences, scroll to the bottom where it states "Subscriptions: reset subscriptions", and use the drop-down to select "yes (danger)", and save.

To manually unsubscribe one-by-one, visit:

Switching between NightMode and DayMode

Click the black-and-white square on the upper right side of the page, near your user name.

SaidIt Admin subs

  • For site updates and announcements, visit s/SaidIt
  • For moderator or user assistance, visit s/help
  • For recommendations to improve SaidIt, visit s/IdeasForSaidIt

Contacting Admins

Some Admins come-and-go, but our ol' reliables are:

Both are awesome-sauce. If you ever have any questions about using the site and need to reach Admins for help and guidance, you can reach out to them individually as users and they'll help, or you can send use "message the moderators" on s/SaidIt and they'll both get it.

Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) for SaidIt

We DO NOT recommend installing RES for SaidIt at this time. Rather than being an ADDITIONAL browser add-on, it will overwrite all of your macros and settings on Reddit by installing OVER your existing RES.

Additionally, an ongoing issue with RES at Reddit is that moderators had to code their sub to work with it design-wise. Given that this is a knock-off tweak of an existing add-on for a different site, moderators of this sub will not be doing so.

Making a multi-sub list

Go to any sub, and hover over the subscribe button (but do not click it). You will see a "multisub" dialog box pop up. Once you've created the initial multi-sub list with one sub on it, you can add other subs and it will save to your user account, so you can browse them later.

You can also manually create a multi-sub right in the URL, by combining subs in the URL with plus signs like this:

Viewing content from your Friends only

Use the s/friends sub to only see content from people you added as friends.

Mobile Users

If you click on a link in a sub and end up on what looks like a smooshed up SaidIt site chock-full of design, it's because you've been redirected to SaidIt's mobile site through your browser, and the app has not created functionality yet for wherever you were trying to go. You'll need to scroll down underneath all the Sidebar content to see whatever it is the mods intended you to see.

The SaidIt mobile app was removed from the Google Play Store sometime in 2021. You can still download it directly here:

If you prefer to visit specific subs often, rather than via browsing the front page:

1) Close the app and reload it to start fresh. Scroll down until you reach "Subscribed Subs", and go directly into the sub you want easy-access to. Once there, tap the three dots in the upper right, and select "Pin To Main Menu".
2) If you prefer the mobile site, visit the URL of the sub directly. Once there, tap the three dots in the upper right, and select "Add To Home Screen" so you end up with a webpage acting like an app.

Mobile users can't add flair at this time, you'll have to use the mobile site or desktop computer to do so.

Mobile users cannot see the list of moderators, link to the moderation log, or the link to message all mods en-masse. Those are separate sections of the sidebar which are not included in the text block we can edit. Here are quick links to all three for this sub:

revision by [deleted]— view source