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[–]RedJackalRampant homosexual[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't think I could stand your friend, to be honest.

[–]INeedSomeTimeAsexual Ally 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

To be fair she is a very decent person aside from that and her "beliefs" make me sad more than infuriated because she overall has this kind of personally in which tries very hard to be a people pleaser and is afraid to confront anyone. It's clear to me she was exposed to a group which shared that belief and brainwashed her into believing it that. It's super sad and harmful though and makes me mad how this whole movement takes advantage of people like her, who are afraid to question or stand up for themselves. Hell, even I prefer to be anonymous when I come here - because the consequences can get this bad. So I am more pissed off at the whole TQ+ movement which made her have so messed up takes on her sexuality. And I will not reveal more personal stuff about her but that combo of prefering dicks but as long as they are "on women" and some stuff she experienced in real life with men, makes me believe she may be bisexual but due to past experiences she doesn't want to ever try anything with men as long as they pretend to be ladies. Because of course she believes a transwoman is just like normal woman.

Anyway I think a lot of handmaidens of the TQ+ movement are also people who ended up coerced to preach the gospel. It takes advantage of vulnerable people... but to be fair that’s not that surprising. It takes advange of vulnerability of being a minority so much that it’s disgusting.