all 7 comments

[–]MyLongestJourney 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is the counterpart of "cotton ceiling". Where "cotton" is the underwear of homosexual women and ceiling is their unwillingness to have sex with the disgusting,rapey men who ID as women and wish to have sex with homosexual women. The term was coined by a trans male activist who went as far as to hold a panel with others of his ilk,so they can find ways to coerce homosexual women into having sex with said disgusting pigs.

"Boxer ceiling" is the unwillingness of homosexual men to have sex with women who ID as men.

PS.The term "cotton ceiling" is modeled on "glass ceiling".

[–]chazzstrong 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

God, the sheer force of will I have to endure to NOT post and get another reddit account banned....these people infuriate me. The irony in thinking his actions are any different than those in the image he shared would be ( if it were real ) is just peak ignorance and willful blindness.

[–]MyLongestJourney 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You wouldn't achieve anything (except perhaps venting your frustration),it would be a total waste of your time. These folks live in la la land and there is nothing you can do to shatter their delusions.They are calling biological sex characteristics bimodal,for heavens sake,they think people who are monosexual are attracted to chromosomes!

[–]chazzstrong 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I would be akin to shouting into an empty room and then hearing the echo as communication.
And yet 7-8 years ago, I was in that...well...not same but similar position in my beliefs. Ironically it was a friend of a friend ( IRS agent ) giving me a speech about the inner workings of our government and who really ran this country that caused me to stop taking everything I heard at face value, and once I started questioning one thing I inevitably questioned everything and I paid attention to who didn't like me asking questions.

[–]Q-Continuum-kin 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just to clarify what others have posted.

When women entered the workforce a term called "glass ceiling" was coined to describe how women couldn't climb the corporate ladder all the way to the top. In a big company the C suite would be on the top floor (CEO CFO etc). Women could climb the ladder and be right there but it was like an invisible ceiling was preventing them from getting to the top position for various reasons.

MtFs coined cotton ceiling to give the visual implications of claiming up a women's legs but being blocked by her underwear. It quite clearly reveals the true motives of AGPs wanting access to lesbians for sex. The imagery is just gross, as is everything AGPs do. The glass ceiling was based around the sexism of patriarchy where men finally allowed women into the big companies but would only promote other men into the top level. The cotton ceiling explicit tries to use that terminology to imply a type of sexism being enacted on transwomen but also it especially worse because it intersects with the transphobia boogyman. They always have to act like parasites latching onto every legitimate social justice cause but then also claim their oppression is even worse.

The boxer ceiling is just the FtM version. Men's underwear is also cotton but they had to try and find their own word to whine about how gay men didn't want to have sex with them. In this case it seems a bit more pathetic than predatory because gay men can be brutal in their sexual honesty. The FtMs go in acting like their fujoshi fantasies will follow them into the gay club and it never materializes. It wouldn't be so bad but so many of these FtMs transition in the first place under the impression that they can be the dom top over some sub bottom but the transition process ends up making them look like a 4'1" femboy so the random 5'7" bottom just laughs at them. They can actually get some tops who are like 10% straight but they insist on trying to be the top while using random sex toys. The cotton ceiling is just them complaining that the one tiny group who they explicitly can not get refuse to have sex with them.

[–]JoshuaNumbersHomo Sap 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

I think it refers to the parts hidden behind cotton underwear not matching the gender identity, which is a turn off to people who need the gender identity and the sex parts to match. It's this weird transremix culture and its label fetish writ large.

Gender identity hypercomplicates everything so badly, and they make it a zero sum game.

If your sex parts match the sex parts of the people you're attracted to, you're homosexual. If your sex parts don't match the sex parts of the people you're attracted to, you're heterosexual. If you're into both kinds of sex parts, regardless of your own, you're bisexual. If you want your sex parts to go from one type to the other, you're transexual. This is LGBT.

For transtrendies, you have gender identity, which can be any word in any language's dictionary. If those words happen to match the words for anyone's sex parts, suddenly you have a war on your hands for your existence.

I knew a human with female sex parts, a nonbinary gender identity, and an unknown sexual orientation who remixed as a "gay man," which just so happens to be the concluding label of my own dude parts / dude gender identity / dude orientation chain of experience, and expected that to be the same as me. It is not. Female sex parts + dude attraction = heterosexual. This doesn't change if they say their gender identity is male, or car, or pine tree. I, as a dude parts / dude identity / dude attraction will never be attracted to a heterosexion of any kind. They call this "transphobia," I call it "being gay." They insist that I should now cease to exist because of this. I will not. My refusal to undermine my own identity to favor theirs, by my own understanding, is the "cotton ceiling."

I don't even have a problem with gender identity being a thing really, well, maybe pine car cat tree, but it's the warfare to not be erased that gets me. Be your own damned thing, dammit. Let my three-of-a-kind poker hand experience of biology, identity, and attraction live without being ambushed constantly.

Ugh, that subreddit has a whole other thread of them just not getting why straight men will date transmales. It's because they are women and your gender identity is a word you made up for the Internet.

When you add that they are targeting women and children because they are weaker targets, this is why the straight world just wants to nuke us all from orbit to protect themselves, and I can't even disagree with that. Every time I hear the word "transphobic" I think of it more and more as a synonym for "hetero-homo affirming."

To quote them : "I don't really feel like men are reliable narrators about their own sexuality because a lot seems tied to the male ego and his status in society."

Which brings up the whole issue of their community being stage four narcissistic personality disorder...

Anyway, happy birthday, 'Murica! I am going to several hetero-homo affirming food events today!

[–]RedJackalRampant homosexual 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're so right about this. "this is why the straight world just wants to nuke us all from orbit to protect themselves" Sadly, yes.