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[–]Horror-SwordfishI don't get how flairs work 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I just really don't understand the reasoning behind "normalizing" putting pronouns in your bio to "make people feel safe" or whatever. There's holes in that logic.

So, Ayden, who looks female but says she's a man, won't "feel safe" putting "he/him" in her bio unless everyone else is doing it, too? So she'll constantly be misgendered because she looks like a female but won't tell people she wants to be called a man? And that's a terrible horrible thing that's probably the worst thing that could happen to anyone? Or because putting "he/him" in her bio will out her as trans since she doesn't look like a man at all?

But, if everyone puts their pronouns in their bio, Ayden will feel safe putting "he/him" in her bio because everyone does it, but doesn't that still mean she'd be outed as trans because she doesn't look like a man at all? What if someone's not sure about their pronouns (as though it even matters) and doesn't feel comfortable sharing them? Now they're being forced to be uncomfortable to make other people comfortable.

I just... hear this point repeated all of the time, and anytime anyone tries to explain it, it really doesn't sound like a good point. I know that's par for the course, but maybe someone here can translate for me and explain exactly what difference it makes if everyone's putting their pronouns in their bio.