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[–]clitoriana 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If it wasn't clear before this backlash to the BBC article, it should be now: they believe, against all common sense and morals, that their self-perception is more important than other people's sexual boundaries. Everything they do is to get more narcissistic supply, and they've used vicious harassment, shaming, sabotage, threats of suicide, and even violence in some cases to rope otherwise normal people into fighting for them. We've got thousands of sniveling COWARDS out there wringing their fingers over how this makes the poor transwomen feel, after lesbians finally got a voice in a major publication and were able to speak out about the coercion and homophobic assault perpetrated by trans-identified males. What happened to "believe survivors" and "believe women"? The majority of the sympathy and support is going to the predators. This is a monstrosity.

Drop the T, because they are far too likely to be homophobic rapists or sympathize with and enable homophobic rapists.