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[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It's pretty simple consent. You are entitled to look at any physical or emotional feature and say nope not for me in terms of establishing a romantic or sexual relationship. When establishing those kinds of relations you do have the right to discriminate for any reason.

It's not the same as giving other people the same sorts of say opportunities for basic respect, friendship or legitimate opportunity.

Being bi just means being attracted to both sexes as the name. It says literally nothing else about what said kinds of people we are looking for. Personally I don't mind gender non conforming people from either gender but I usually steer away from anyone claiming to be trans since I just feel they are harming their bodies and I can't really constantly engage in what is a delusion in any serious relationship. It wouldn't work. Plus as someone who does find GNC attractive I have to be honest that feminine men and masculine women are not attractive in the same way as a feminine woman and masculine man.

For other bi people however it's fair to argue they may be attracted to men or women for their assigned gender role and fair to desire only that. Bisexuals aren't just horny pests that will screw anything and I think it's fair to be annoyed by that.

As someone who is bi I get the guilt side of things. I also don't get the over-attachment to labels. I only talk about being bi when it's relevant when dealing with relationships and sex and I don't talk about those things that often.

I think the issue is that while you can share concerns or maybe different experiences being bi it's not like there is that much to unify such a community. There are communities for bisexuals here though pretty inactive.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]RaspberryTea 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I'm not the person you asked, but I think it's a couple of things. For one, bisexual attraction is extremely varied. Some are 50/50 "classic" bisexuals. Others are like a Kinsey 2 or a Kinsey 5: mostly into this or that with some exceptions. And there are countless gradations in between. It's kind of hard to organize that because each subcategory comes with its own interests and issues. So a lot of the time, this results in another issue: bi people simply labeling themselves according to their dominant attraction, i.e. gay or straight instead of bi because it makes it easier to find a place to belong.

    ETA and on top of that, bisexuals can be male or female. So that's another layer of complexity.