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[–]DrMantisToboggan 32 insightful - 3 fun32 insightful - 2 fun33 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

The problem with many of these groups is that they've been co-opted by radical feminists who want to blame everything on men. Of course, not all radical feminists are like that. I find there are often double standards applied, for instance, they hate it when homosexual males talk about their aversion to vagina, yet many of them can talk about how disgusted they are about dick. I've read a few threads on Ovarit where they say gay men are the ultimate misogynists because our attraction is phallocentric...well duh, we're gay men...we like dick. Are we supposed to center our male homosexuality around feminism? I mean there's no such thing as male feminists, we can only be allies. I've read other threads that talk about how entitled gay men are, yet no mention to the entitlement many straight women feel they have to our spaces, whether it's drunk straight girls sucking up all the oxygen in gay bars or LARPing "gay" transmen. Thanks to woke intersectionality, gay men are at the bottom of the totem pole since we're now seen as some of the most privileged people in society.