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[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

your point is a logical one

¯_ (ツ)_/¯

Logic and rationality let me navigate the world without going completely insane. They're very necessary tools to me and my style of cognition. I lean on them pretty heavily.

free speech, and values tolerance of different opinions while condemning violence

Couldn't agree more. It's amazing how this topic especially (gender ideology) has been framed that any dissent is bigotry. It's very authoritarian. They clearly are not armed with much to have others accept their ideology and politics, we know this, so it seems to me they've fallen back on strong-arming. This does not seem like a good strategy for long-term success, especially since the eventual swing back is really going to hit them hard in the backside. This unfortunately smacks of the mental disorder side of the topic, where they're just not in touch with reality. Not the "I have GD and transitioning is a treatment for it, and I'll always be my birth sex" crowd, but the "I literally am the opposite sex" crowd. Getting through to these people is difficult. At the end of the day, we all have to live with each other, and authoritarianism is not the answer to that. Neither is re-organizing our societies around the needs or wants of a small minority.

Shakes fist at sky Damn Enlightenment value systems.

If we could just wrap people back into Enlightenment values, we wouldn't even need to talk about LGBTQ+, it would just sort itself out. Here, we're staring down the specter of postmodern neo-Marxism.

LGBTQ+ in some sense is a proxy issue.

[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Shakes fist at sky Damn Enlightenment value systems.

If we could just wrap people back into Enlightenment values, we wouldn't even need to talk about LGBTQ+, it would just sort itself out. Here, we're staring down the specter of postmodern neo-Marxism.

I've probably said it a million times on this sub by this point, but I'm a part of the younger generation and I have heard people my age explicitly say, "Rationalism is racist" "Enlightenment values are problematic" (the word is an accusation of bigotry and evil, without explicitly saying so), things like that. It really troubles me. And it's funny, I have come to value logical debate much more since joining Saidit and reading about gender dysphoria.

LGBTQ+ in some sense is a proxy issue.

COMPLETELY agree. I have more recently been reading about the parallels between our issues, and our censorship off of Reddit, and other issues where there is a remarkably similar phenomenon playing out of bannings, use of CP as a weapon to silence and destroy online communities, etc. Race-related topics are just one such area.

Sometimes I worry that we're not looking at a big enough view of the picture. We should be joining hands with people sounding the alarm in the ASD community, with women (although radical feminism can be QUITE homophobic/biphobic, and has a way louder voice than LGB people's right now), and with other minority demographics. That's part of why I was so excited to see this letter signed by a bunch of organizations across demographics! Small progress but still, a step. I'm glad groups such as these are starting to reach out to each other.