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[–]TarshishJupiterpolitically homeless 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

YES. It happened when I was 17-19. I felt physical disgust at seeing my female form in the mirror, not because I wished I was prettier, but because I wished I was male. I even thought maybe I was a man "on the inside" or non-binary. It caused me actual depression when people recognized me as a woman.

Then later I started reading about feminist topics, and I realized I had pushed myself into a trans box because I hated how I grew up, and hated how women were made to feel in my community. I did indeed "get over it", though there was more to it than that. These days I feel very embodied and mindful of myself as a woman in a positive way. I'm not trying to escape something I can't change.

This is why I have compassion for young people going through gender dysphoria. I think they had what I had, but their minds fell into the wrong hands and they lost their grip on reality.

[–]schomee[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

i'm gay and had the same type of experience but again, we all seem to be reciting the same thing except making up reasons as to how or why we "got over it". It's that "getting over it" that's the magic ingredient, or process or stage we need to examine to help younger people. Whatever this magical element or thing is that helped us "get over it" or however it just clicked into our minds that we're ok with the way we are and our skin stops crawling with disgust, anxiety and "dysphoria" is what we can use to help stop this by presenting it to younger gays and lesbians.

I think the only problem we'll have is just like how 30, maybe even just 20 years ago gays and lesbians would be fabricating false explanations as to why we're homosexuals (hours and hours of pathologizing ourselves and making up stories of how gay men had closer relationships to their dads and that's why theyre gay or lesbians being evil dominant creepy people whose very essence was to hate men because they wanted to replace or be them because they were somehow mistreated by them and thats why theyre lesbian) i feel like gays and lesbians can fuck up this incredibly important conversation by fabricating reasons for how we got over our dysphoria.

I genuinely think there is no other place on the internet except for here for this conversation to happen and to package it all up and help end this whole dysphoria thing and end the cycle of transing gays/lesbians. We're the main core of transexualism and if we greatly diminish the HSTS people, then the AGP people will have no link into the gay/lesbian community and will slowly disappear or maybe they'll be oppressed because we'll have a language to deal with dysphoria and present a solution that isnt about transitioning.

I grew up truly believing that i was a mistake..but a good mistake. It was just natural for me to believe i was just some sort of weird female trapped inside a male's body and that was my definition of being gay and i was fine with it. My definition slowly evolved and changed and i became more stable but holy mother of god, if those people ever got a hold of me when i was 14-17 i would have been FUUUUCKED. That's what concerns me.