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[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries" 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I definitely recommend everyone listen to this. I listened to almost all of it but didn’t finish the last part where Jan was given a chance to talk again.

I will say that the majority who spoke were critical of Stonewall’s current practices. Jonny was especially good. He among others said they didn’t go wrong in being “trans-inclusive,” they went wrong in enforcing belief in “gender identity ideology” which they correctly pointed out was not inherent to “trans inclusivity” or “trans rights.” Kate was also good and succinct. Multiple people there used to work for or with Stonewall and articulately explained why they can no longer. There was widespread mention of the harm of the “no debate” policy. The lean also seemed to be in favor of Stonewall disbanding as it is too far gone and has lost its goodwill. I don’t think Ben Cohen spoke at all. I guess he has learned his lesson.

There were 2 contributions from younger women. The first was a young bisexual woman. I think it’s pretty clear that despite her listening to what came before her in the program, she can’t fathom there being a gay rights org that doesn’t include or center the T because that’s what she has mainly known. She basically pointed out that homophobia is still a problem, but the natural response is, “And Stonewall isn’t doing anything about it.” So how does keeping Stonewall around solve that when their entire platform is now “gay people are privileged and have no problems so we must center the T”? The second young woman (no idea how old she was) was auoer annoying. She had nothing of substance to add and acted scandalized at how people were talking to each other. I would say it was a civil program, so she came across as hypersensitive in the same way that permanently offended woke people are.

I think the host did a good job overall. Kudos at bringing this together. I wish the audience was bigger.