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[–]CuntWorshiperWomenholic full time | vagina fetishist part-time 39 insightful - 1 fun39 insightful - 0 fun40 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm more than happy to refer to a transwoman as 'she' and a transman as 'he'.

That’s the reason why stating reality is now controversial. When you all agree on collectively lie about something as important and inescapable as sex not to hurt the inner feelings of mentally unstable people, you are actively closing the door in the face of what you call biological facts.

I'd accept that if someone was making this statement to deny someones gender identity it could be offensive, but when made clearly as a statement of biological fact the controversy is unwarranted.

Biology, material and objective reality deny someones gender identity if you consider it offensive or not is up to you, will you give up biological fact not to be offensive? You can’t picky and choose when it’s ok and when it’s not ok to lie about reality. If you are going to lie in x, z, y situations, why not also lie in t, b, a situations? It’s always a lie anyways. And that’s the problem with lies, when you start lie is very hard to quit.

Ask yourself:

If you are ok with calling men by female pronouns and women by male pronouns, then pronouns are not based on sex, right!? If pronouns are not based on sex they are based on what?

If woman and man are “identities” one can choose based on anything they please, then woman and man are not based on sex because if woman and man are based on sex, one don’t get to choose it. Which one is it?

If you go along with the gender identity delusions you can’t really complain about science denialism. You either believe in gender identity or you don’t.

Right now you make even less sense than gender specials because they at least stick to a side. But I do understand you. I also have been in the same spot as you, doing mental gymnastics in the attempt of remain politically correct while try to be rational and loyal to the truth but I’ll tell you. You can’t do that. Gender ideology and objective reality are mutually exclusive. Eventually, you will have to choose the truth or the feel good lies. You’re standing on so much logic inconsistency that will become unbearable.