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[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries"[S] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn’t hear him say he is looking forward to becoming trans, but that he is “attracted” to trans. I do think you are right though in the rest of your analysis. This comes up right after he looks to be in understandable visible pain as he mentions his daughter rejecting him for being gay and telling him to Jill himself and that he was concerned that being gay was seen as inconsistent with being a champion male athlete.

I also looked up his career and he had a long career that ended the year before this.

And there is inconsistent reporting of his sexual orientation as gay vs bisexual because he came out as bisexual first and then shortly after just gay. The circumstances make it unclear which, but that he was struggling either way. It is very sad.

I also saw that he later said that he had an encounter (relationship?) with a famous MtF named Sidney Starr. Starr reportedly also had an affair or 2-year relationship depending on who you ask with rapper Chingy in 2007-2009 that seems to have coincided with the end of his career.

Everyone thinks the entertainment industry is pro-gay when in reality they don’t understand the machine that is the Hollywood Closet and how much infrastructure is built around concealing the sexual orientations of those who actively partner with the same sex while celebrating as “LGBT icons” celebrities who come out as some “proud” ambiguous “queer” or “refuse to label themselves” but for which there is zero evidence of any same sex partner while they continue to be actually (or given the appearance of dating) members of the opposite sex. I’m looking at you Harry Styles, Halsey, Jameela Jamil, etc.

Are we even allowed to discuss on here the celebrities who have not officially come out but for which there is abundant evidence they date the same sex and often evidence their relationships with the opposite sexual are fake?