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[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries" 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Absolutely. TQ in particular is made up of professional, full-time activists and as such they are full-time victims (e.g., Munro Bergdorf, Jeffrey Marsh). And while the gay and bisexual LGBTQ+ activists are similar, most famous LGB people are not famous because they are activists. They’re famous for their actual careers. For TQ+, whining is their job. They make money from complaining (the real “Karens” lol). That’s why coming out as TQ+ is a career and business move but coming out as an actual homosexual isn’t. Of course the exceptions on the TQ end are generally white heterosexual MtF who transitioned late in their careers or in their retirement after having the full benefit of being white heterosexual males (e.g, Caitlyn Jenner, Dr. Rachel Levine, Martine Rothblatt, Lt. Col. Jennifer Pritzker).

And yep, no words on Chechnya from the lobbying groups. No words on Iran. On any Islamic homophobia in general. They refuse to recognize actual homophobia unless they can lump it under “queerphobia” or “anti-LGBTQ.” Because it would get in the way of them pretending actual homosexuals are privileged and lower on the oppression totem pole than trans and queer.

Meanwhile people like Harry Styles are getting celebrated as an “LGBTQ icon” for coming out, at best, as “not straight” yet continually dating nothing but woman after woman. He doesn’t have to date a man if he doesn’t want to, but then how exactly is he worthy of being an LGBTQ icon.

There’s not even photos of him with a same sex partner like there are with the closeted/semi-closeted celebs. Not to mention he’s basically a professional beard paid to help keep lesbian celebrities publicly closeted. So again, we are celebrating the de-gaying of LGBTQ. Let’s celebrate people for being “not straight” and for maintaining the comfortable public-approved appearance of heterosexuality. See also Halsey.

[–]JulienMayfair[S] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Look at genderqueer personality Jacob Tobia who has turned being TQ+ into a lucrative career, which probably wouldn't have worked out had he just been a standard-issue white gay male. Yet, he constantly complains about what a hard row he has to hoe and why most men don't want to date him, even as he parlays his identity into book deals and screenwriting jobs. How oppressed are you when you attended an expensive private university and landed a six-figure book deal to write about yourself?

I'm waiting for Tobia to get older because his look is not going to age well.